

Web Novel



Moccamixvip’s novel is...

The novel begins with a love secret with his close friend, but he cannot express his feelings because he is scared of losing his relationship after 10 years. How to move on and fight emotions.

The novel behins with A journalist dislikes politicians. After a while, he was transferred to the political news department. And met Nol, who had just been appointed Secretary-General of the Independent Party. There is an upcoming political party that will change the country's government structure through its "CHANGE" policy.

Wind Wave

The novel begins The day Kluen of the past washed back in, Lom's heart trembled with a mix of longing and uncertainty. Precious memories of their shared history flooded back, vividly bringing to life the moments they once treasured together. In the midst of new and evolving relationships, Lom stood at a crossroads, faced with a profound decision.

SERIES : Love season is ...

Love novel with the vibe of each season and a multiverse that varies based on conditions, such as Rainverse, Cakeverse and Colorverse.

The novel begins with rain vibe and rain verse that someone who is deaf when it rains but can hear someone’s voice. They say his soulmate’s voice.

The novel begins with summer vibes and a cakeverse in which Fork has more abilities than normal people. But they cannot taste. And Cake has a smell that stimulates Forks' raw instinct, tempting them to be eaten by Fork.

The novel begins with autumn vibes and a colorverse in which Mono will see black and white only and his soulmate who is able to make Mono see color when he looks at his eyes.